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Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 05 Юни 2009, 05:18

AC/DC-The Jack

The Jack
She gave me the Queen
She gave me the King
She was wheelin' and dealin'
Just doin' her thing
She was holdin' a pair
But I had to try
Her Deuce was wild
But my Ace was high
But how was I to know
That she'd been dealt with before
Said she'd never had a Full House
But I should have known
From the tattoo on her left leg
And the garter on her right
She'd have the card to bring me down
If she played it right

She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack

Poker face was her name
Poker face was her nature
Poker straight was her game
If she knew she could get you
She play'd 'em fast
And she play'd 'em hard
She could close her eyes
And feel every card
But how was I to know
That she'd been shuffled before
Said she'd never had a Royal Flush
But I should have known
That all the cards were comin'
From the bottom of the pack
And if I'd known what she was dealin' out
I'd have dealt it back

She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, And who knows what else?
She's got the Jack, yeah, yeah
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Ooh, was a bad deal, Jack
She gave me the Jack hey
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
Ooh, can't ya tell?
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
You Never know! She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, and it hurts!
She's got the Jack
She's got the Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack
She's got the Jack
Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 05 Юни 2009, 17:01

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 05 Юни 2009, 20:44

търсих я в изпълнение на Клептън.... ама кво като...
Jimi Hendrix - The Sky is Crying
Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 06 Юни 2009, 06:00

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 06 Юни 2009, 06:29

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 06 Юни 2009, 06:48

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 06 Юни 2009, 19:08

обикалям селския пазар днес и си търся качествена салатка. не че няма,има голям избор даже, ама много съм капризен в това отношение. изведнъж чувам некой да си свири с уста..... у'шите ми щръкнаа веднага.... не за друго а щото разпознах White Room... и тетека.... :mrgreen:
Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 06 Юни 2009, 19:25

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 07 Юни 2009, 05:46

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 07 Юни 2009, 06:08

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

love is all around.....

Мнениеот satir » 07 Юни 2009, 13:48

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 08 Юни 2009, 19:21

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 08 Юни 2009, 19:49

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 08 Юни 2009, 20:17

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 09 Юни 2009, 03:51

ianeva написа:AC/DC - You Ain't Got a Hold on Me 8)

п.п. Само че е от друг албум, не от посочения в тубата, нищо ...

Jailbreak 8) или High Voltage ?
Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 09 Юни 2009, 04:03

... написа:satir-e, тези, смятам, че не е нужно да ти казвам, ама все пак - за теб са :P

AC/DC - Bad Boy Boogie
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4MuKV2j ... re=related

AC/DC - Boogie Man
и за тебе Буги...! :mrgreen:

AC/DC - Kissin' Dynamite

AC/DC - That's The Way I Wanna Rock n Roll
Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот Гост » 09 Юни 2009, 07:37

Поздравче за баджанака и балдъзката
She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you

So if you see her all alone one night walk up to her discreetly, ask her why
And if she replies with words that don't make sense it may be just because she's shy
Don't take advantage of her lack of understanding just because you think you could
Treat her right, treat her good, take her home and make her feel the way she should

'Cos she's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you
She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you go, she may not let you know, but she's in love with you

So if you happen to be out one night and someone asks you where you're gonna go
Just remember she's not like the other girls she may not want them all to know
Though she may need a little time she never wants to stand in line the way they would
So treat her nice, treat her good, treat her like you know you should
You may never find another girl like her

'Cos she's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you down, she'll never fool around
'Cos she's in love with you
She's in love with you, that's all she wants to do
She'll never let you go, she may not let you know, but she's in love with you

So take her home and hold her close, touch her where she feels it most, but be true
And when she's making love to you, she'll do what you want her to
Treat her good, treat her like you know you should
You may never find another girl like her

'Cos she's

това за мене си Изображение
Suzi Quatro - Can The Can

и за Изображение естествено amazing woman.
Shi`s hotter than hell

Suzi Quatro - Breakdown
It's alright if you love me
It's alright if you don't
I'm not afraid of you running away
Only I get the feeling you won't

There's no use in pretending
Your eyes give you away
Something inside you
Is feeling like I do
We've said all there is to say

Baby breakdown
Go ahead and give it to me
Honey take me to the knife
Now I'm standing here can't you see
Breakdown it's alright

It's alright if you love me
It's alright if you don't
I'm not afraid of you running away
Only I get the feeling you won't

Baby breakdown
Go ahead and give it to me
Honey take me to the knife
Now I'm standing here can't you see
Breakdown is alright
It's alright
It's alright

Baby breakdown
Go ahead and give it to me
Honey take me to the knife
Now I'm standing here can't you see
Breakdown is alright
It's alright
It's alright

Baby breakdown
Go ahead and give it to me
Honey take me to the knife
Now I'm standing here can't you see
Breakdown is alright
It's alright
It's alright

Baby breakdown
Go ahead and give it to me
Honey take me to the knife
Now I'm standing here can't you see
Breakdown is alright
It's alright
It's alright

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот Гост » 09 Юни 2009, 11:08

AC/DC - '74 Jailbreak (Atlantic) 1984

1. "Jailbreak" (4:40)
2. "You Ain't Got a Hold on Me" (3:30)
3. "Show Business" (4:43)
4. "Soul Stripper" (6:23)
5. "Baby, Please Don't Go" (4:50)

...An EP featuring released in 1984 featuring some cuts from the 1974 Australian version of "High Voltage," featuring Bon Scott on vocals. Of course it doesn't feature all the tracks that were deleted from the American version, but it does feature some of the best. It's a mystery why "Jailbreak" wasn't released in the States years earlier considering it became an instant classic and a concert staple from here on out. Also includes a smokin' cover of "Baby, Please Don't Go" and a few other AC/DC boogie-rockers...

Saxon - Solid Ball Of Rock

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот Гост » 09 Юни 2009, 11:40

Няма грешка, въпросът си е спорен отдавна. Добра да е. Прелитам за малко, в отпуск съм. Поздрав и за теб.

Accept - Princess Of The Dawn

Re: Winamp 2

Мнениеот satir » 10 Юни 2009, 04:40

Активен потребител
Мнения: 1983
Регистриран на: 15 Мар 2007, 16:56
Местоположение: те тукa те...


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